On Examination

Look at the patient as a whole, assessing the face and body habits, the degree of HYDRATION, checked for CYANOSIS, JAUNDICED, ANAEMIC, HYPERPIGMENTATION, Palpate the LYMPNODE, URINE OUTPUT and TEMPERATURE Chart.

a. Appearance looking ill or well, feeling pain or short of breath.
b. Hands finger CLUBBING indicates Congenital Cyanotic Heart Disease
c. Pulse –Tachycardia or Bradycardia
d. Blood Pressure- Systolic and Diastolic , HTN
e. LUNGS – Examine the lungs bases for crepitating and pleural effusion
f. OEDEMA – Examine the ankles, legs, sacrum.
g. ABDOMEN- Hepatomegaly and ascites may occur in right- sided heart failure

a. Inspection- The breath is normal or difficult, chest shape is pigeon or normal, Chest wall movement is symmetrical or not.
b. Examine the hands –Clubbing or Peripheral Cyanosis
c. Inspect the Face
d. Percussion – Listen the sounds in all areas like RESONANT, DULL and STONY DULL.
e. Auscultation- Listen the added sounds like WHEEZE, CRACKLES, RUB
f. VOCAL RESONANCE- Listen the auscultator equivalent sounds. Look at temperature chart and sputum is clear, white, red, pink, frothy, and green.

a. For type II – Blood sugar level (fasting) and GT
b. Type I- Insulin must needed

a. TSH
b. T3
c. T4

Weight in KG/ (Height in metre) x2 = normal 20-25